Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Roulezelectrique.com: Une hausse majeure du prix de vente de la Tesla Model S au Canada

Tesla Motors est reconnu pour ?chambarder? l'ordre ?tabli dans l'industrie automobile. Contrairement aux manufacturiers traditionnels qui diminuent le prix de leurs mod?les ?lectrique (ex: la Volt baisse de 5000$, la Focus ?lectrique baisse de 4000$), Tesla augmente le prix de leur unique mod?le ... et pas ? peu pr?s! En effet, en vigueur depuis le 1er ao?t 2013, c'est le prix des options surtout qui augmente parfois de plus de 100%!

tesla model s

Selon le site am?ricain Plugincars, le mod?le Performance Plus avec toutes les options de choisies, co?te la modique somme de 132 070$ USD (avant taxes et avant les rabais gouvernementaux). Au Canada, les Tesla S sont plus dispendieuses: c'est 143 120$ que co?te la Tesla Model S la plus ?quip?e!

Mais concr?tement, par rapport au prix pay? par les ?early adopters?, les consommateurs pr?coces comme moi-m?me, quelle est la hausse de prix exacte?

Je rappelle au lecteur que je suis propri?taire d'une Tesla Model S que j'ai r?serv? en juin 2012 et que j'ai re?u en mars 2013. J'ai la plus grosse batterie (85 kWh) avec beaucoup d'options, mais je n'ai pas la version Performance ou Performance Plus.

Donc, j'ai ressorti ma facture et configur? une Tesla Model S exactement identique sur le site de Tesla Motors (version Canada). Voici les r?sultats de mon calcul: en incluant les taxes, il y a une augmentation de 11 500$ (si vous voulez voir le d?tail des chiffres et du calcul, le tableau comparatif se trouve ici).

De plus, le 1er janvier 2014 (c'est dans moins de 5 mois!), le rabais gouvernemental sera diminu? ? 4000$. Donc, en supposant que Tesla n'augmente pas ses prix d'ici l?, un nouvel acheteur qui voudra s'acheter, apr?s janvier 2014, une Tesla S avec une configuration identique ? la mienne, devra d?bourser 15 500$ de plus.

Et pour quelle raison Tesla Motors se permet-elle une telle hausse de prix?

Apr?s des ?changes avec d'autres propri?taires Tesla au Qu?bec, nous en sommes arriv?s aux hypoth?ses suivantes:

  1. L'offre et la demande: la capacit? de production est limit?e actuellement (environ 600 voitures par semaine) et la demande est beaucoup plus ?lev?e, surtout avec le d?but des livraisons en Europe (?a commence en ao?t) et en Asie (plus tard cette ann?e).
  2. Le PDG de Tesla Motors, Elon Musk, a promis aux actionnaires que les marges b?n?ficiaires brutes seraient d'au moins 25%. Une des fa?ons simples d'atteindre ces marges, c'est d'augmenter le prix de vente!
  3. Le prix de vente de la Tesla S est inf?rieur aux voitures comparables (et ? essence en plus): la Audi A8, la Mercedes S, la BMW s?rie 7, la Porsche Carrera ou la Maserati Quatroporte.
  4. En plus, la Tesla S a re?u des ?loges de la part des ?experts?: Motor Trend lui a d?cern? le titre de voiture de l'ann?e et Consumer Reports la notre presque parfaite de 99%! Alors, quand on ne re?oit que des ?loges d'un produit, il est tentant d'en augmenter le prix!

? mon avis, c'est une mauvaise nouvelle pour l'augmentation du nombre de voitures ?lectriques sur le march?, car la voiture ?lectrique de r?ve est encore moins accessible. Est-ce que les ventes de Tesla S diminueront au Canada avec la hausse des prix? Probablement, je suppose. Selon les derni?res donn?es, la Tesla S est en 2e position dans le palmar?s des ventes au pays ... tout juste derri?re la Chevrolet Volt (et il semblerait que la Tesla S est tr?s pr?s du num?ro 1).

Une chose est certaine: ? 15 500$ de plus, je n'aurais pas eu les moyens financiers d'acheter cette voiture. Actuellement, j'?conomise environ 200$ par mois par rapport ? mon ancienne voiture (une Fusion 2010 4 cylindres), car je consommais 1000$ de p?trole par mois en plus du pr?t-auto et des nombreux entretiens.

Mais avec le 15 500$ additionnel, ce 200$ par mois dispara?t! Est-ce que j'aurais enlev? des options? Peut-?tre. Pourtant, le toit panoramique qui se contr?le avec l'?cran central est tellement g?nial ... et les si?ges d'enfants, obligatoire pour moi si je veux ?tre capable de transporter ma famille au complet! C'est la seule consolation, le prix de base a peu augment? (voir tableau).

Bien s?r, pour les gens riches et c?l?bres, la hausse n'est peut-?tre pas un probl?me (tant que le prix est comp?titif par rapport aux autres voitures de luxe et de performance).

Une consolation: Pour une fois que c'est payant d'?tre un ?early adopter?. Alors que toutes les voitures ?conventionnelles? perdent 20 ? 30% de leur valeur d?s qu'elles quittent la cour du Concessionnaire, c'est probablement le contraire pour ma Tesla S ... elle vaut peut-?tre plus que le prix que j'ai pay?!

Historiquement, les consommateurs pr?coces (early adopters) paient tr?s cher pour ?tre les premiers ... et lorsque le produit atteint le consommateur de masse, le prix baisse dramatiquement ...l semblerait qu'avec Tesla, c'est le contraire qui se passe ... mais avec eux, il faut s'habituer ...cette entreprise ? l'intention de red?finir l'industrie de l'automobile ... mais ?a ne se fera pas sans ?brasser la cage?!

Note: Propri?taires actuels de Tesla S et futurs propri?taires, SVP n'h?sitez pas ? commenter et ? partager votre propre exp?rience.

Sylvain Jutreau


  • Google's Self-Driving Car

    Google has transformed <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/03/03/google-self-driving-car-demo_n_831175.html" target="_hplink">ordinary Toyota Priuses</a> into hands-free vehicles, each equipped with a rotating camera, sensors and more. <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/03/03/google-self-driving-car-demo_n_831175.html" target="_hplink">According to the AP</a>, the four-wheeled fleet "can steer, stop and start without a human driver." These so-called self-driving cars handle themselves so well that one has even been used to take a blind man for a joy ride (<a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/03/29/google-self-driving-car-blind-man-taco-bell_n_1387930.html" target="_hplink">see video above</a>).

  • Terrafugia Transition - Flying Car

    With its "Transition" car, Terrafugia proves that <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/06/30/terrafugia-transition-fly_n_630578.html#s108243" target="_hplink">the future is finally here</a>. The operator of this amazing vehicle can drive it <em>and</em> fly it. The Transition has already been approved by the Federal Aviation Administration to fly in the skies and <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/07/09/terrafugia-transition-flying-car_n_893402.html#s305568" target="_hplink">by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to drive on roads</a>. If you happen to have a driver's license, pilot license, and <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/04/03/terrafugia-transition-test-flight_n_1399267.html" target="_hplink">$279,000</a>, this car might be the one for you. The Transition was slated for consumer release in late 2011, but that date has been delayed and no new date has been announced.

  • Moller M200G Hover Car

    If you happen to be a fan of "The Jetsons," you're going to love this. For about $125,000, you can get your hands on your very own M200G Hover-Car, thanks to Moller International, <a href="http://gizmodo.com/280546/moller-m200g-hover+car-in-production-and-selling-for-125k" target="_hplink">reported Gizmodo way back in 2007</a>. While the M200G is pretty cool to look at (even if the photo is a little retro), a sleek flying car called the <a href="http://moller.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=50&Itemid=58" target="_hplink">M400 Skycar</a> may be the company's next project (though so far there's been no word on how it's coming along.)

  • Tramontana R

    This futuristic-looking "supercar," the <a href="http://www.tramontanagroup.com/car/car.php" target="_hplink">Tramontana R</a>, is a product of European auto-maker <a href="http://www.tramontanagroup.com/adtramontana/adtramontana.php" target="_hplink">a.d. Tramontana</a> and <a href="http://www.tramontanagroup.com/adtramontana/adtramontana.php" target="_hplink">features</a> a carbon fiber body, a max speed of more than 200 mph, and a V12 engine that produces a maximum horsepower of 720. Unfortunately, all of these awesome specs (and the fact that it looks almost as cool as the Batmobile) have landed the car with a ridiculous price tag. <a href="http://www.forbes.com/2009/04/24/car-cool-model-lifestyle-vehicles-car-cool_slide_10.html?thisSpeed=undefined" target="_hplink">According to Forbes</a>, it costs upwards of $511,126, and only 12 are released each year.

  • BMW ConnectedDrive Connect

    BMW's <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/01/26/bmw-self-driving-car_n_1234362.html" target="_hplink">ConnectedDrive Connect system</a> can be installed in current BMW models and allows the car to drive itself. While at the moment the system operates only on pre-mapped roads, further developments will allow the car to adapt and drive on any street.

  • Audi A8

    Audi's 2012 "super-luxury" vehicle is hailed as a standout in its class. <a href="http://usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/cars-trucks/Audi_A8/" target="_hplink">Writes U.S. News</a>, <blockquote>Test drivers say the A8's cabin is exceptionally crafted, and the standard MMI infotainment system now features Google Earth views on its navigation screen and available Wi-Fi connectivity, thanks to a SIM card in the A8's dash. Reviewers like the design and features inside the A8, but note that it packs less cargo space than many competing luxury sedans. Passenger space, on the other hand is ample. </blockquote> If it's anything like its predecessor, the Audi A7, which our own Jason Gilbert called a "<a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/07/16/2012-audi-a7-features_n_900788.html#s310151&title=Head_Up_Windshield" target="_hplink">tech-lover's dream</a>," the A8 is sure to win over drivers who have $75,704 to $130,192 laying around.

  • SARTRE And Volvo's Road Train

    In partnership with the Safe Road Trains for the Environment (SARTRE) program, Volvo is testing the "<a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/01/22/sartre-road-train-platoon-car_n_811632.html#s227279" target="_hplink">road train</a>" system, in which a lead vehicle pilots a column of cars down highways. The head car controls the others via Wi-Fi, allowing the drivers to sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride. <a href="http://www.autoblog.com/2012/01/24/sartre-autonomous-road-train-enters-final-phase-with-trio-of-vol/" target="_hplink">According to Autoblog</a>, the system is entering its final phase of testing and should be able to accomodate six vehicles by the year's end. No firm release date has been set.

  • PAL-V

    Similar to the Terrafugia Transition, the PAL-V (or Personal Air and Land Vehicle) was <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/04/02/flying-car-unveiled-in-ho_n_1397882.html?1333399106" target="_hplink">developed in Holland </a> and can reach speeds of up to 110 mph. Watch the video above to learn more!

  • Flying Hybrid Car

    Pretty soon there will be a <em>hybrid</em> flying car on the market, too. While this Burt Rutan model has yet to be approved for regular use on the road, it is fueled by both electric motors and gasoline engines, so, whether driving or flying, you're traveling a little greener than the rest. [Via <a href="http://www.wired.com/autopia/2011/07/burt-rutan-designs-hybrid-flying-car/" target="_hplink">Wired</a>]

  • DeLorean DMC-EV

    <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/10/19/new-delorean-electric-version_n_1019222.html" target="_hplink">In October of last year</a>, the DeLorean Motor Company, makers behind the iconic DMC-12, used as the time machine in <em>Back to the Future</em>, announced an all-electric model for, well, the future. <a href="http://delorean.com/content/news/electric/dmcevpr.pdf" target="_hplink">According to a press release</a>, the company paired up with Epic Electric Vehicles to bring this well-known car back to life and plans to market it in the States in 2013.

  • Mitsubishi i-MiEV

    Mitsubishi's i-MiEV is a cleaner alternative to city driving. <a href="http://i.mitsubishicars.com/miev/features" target="_hplink">According to Mitsubishi's website</a>, the i-MiEV features a lithium-ion battery system along with its motor and other engine components, a seating capacity of four, and a max speed of about 80 miles per hour. This super-green vehicle <a href="http://www.mitsubishi-motors.com/special/ev/4innovations/index.html" target="_hplink">recently clinched the top spot</a> on the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy's (ACEEE) 14th annual Greenest Cars List for 2012.


Suivre Roulezelectrique.com sur Twitter: www.twitter.com/roulezelectric

Suivre Le HuffPost Qu?bec

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Source: http://quebec.huffingtonpost.ca/roulezelectriquecom/hausse-prix-tesla-canada_b_3743654.html

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Monday, August 12, 2013

Victoria Justice Relives Tour With Big Time Rush, Prank By Prank

'Gold' singer opens up to MTV News about the highlights from the Summer Break Tour with BTR.
By Jocelyn Vena

Source: http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1712201/victoria-justice-big-time-rush-tour.jhtml

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Man admits to arson at Albany Medical College

ALBANY ? A man is behind bars, after he admitted to setting a fire at Albany Medical College.

The fire broke out in the ?R? building around 5:00 Friday morning.

When crews got there, 54-year-old Michael Mcallister told an emergency official that he set it.

At least three floors sustained heavy fire, smoke, and water damage.

No one was hurt.

Source: http://albany.wnyt.com/news/crime/431312-man-admits-arson-albany-medical-college

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Warrior Mind Podcast # 145: Results Focused vs. Activity Driven ...

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The purpose of this warrior mind podcast is to make sure your mental strength energy is always results focused vs. activity driven

Activity is not results.? The average person is a satisfied in telling others what they did last week.? Last week is history and it is merely a report of busy work.? If you want to stay on track for reaching your personal goals and personal success keep track maintain a results focused perspective.

Enjoy the podcast below:

I want to make sure you understand that whoever masters this mental strength mindset is far more successful than those that don?t.

Helping you become more conscious of this mean you will start thinking like the top achievers.? This session is help you think about what you think about all day and that these thoughts have an impact on your personal success.

To get you started on creating a personal development plan pick up a copy of ?Develop the Mental Strength of a Warrior? today!

This is a fantastic e-book that helps you with your personal development, self-improvement and personal power.? You?ll learn to take back control of your thoughts, develop success awareness and helps you tap into the powers of your unconsciousness mind to create the mental strength to succeed at anything!

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More on mental strength...

Source: http://www.warriormindcoach.com/blog/2013/08/10/warrior-mind-podcast-145-results-focused-vs-activity-driven/

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Saturday, August 10, 2013

Gunmen abduct 2 Turkish Airlines crew in Lebanon

A Lebanese policeman stands guard in front of a hotel where the rest of the Turkish Airlines crew stay after six gunmen ambushed their vehicle on an old airport road and snatched two men of the Turkish crew, according to Lebanese officials, in Beirut, Lebanon, Friday, Aug. 9, 2013. Gunmen on Friday ambushed the van carrying the Turkish Airlines crew in the Lebanese capital and kidnapped the two of its members, a pilot and a co-pilot, security officials said. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

A Lebanese policeman stands guard in front of a hotel where the rest of the Turkish Airlines crew stay after six gunmen ambushed their vehicle on an old airport road and snatched two men of the Turkish crew, according to Lebanese officials, in Beirut, Lebanon, Friday, Aug. 9, 2013. Gunmen on Friday ambushed the van carrying the Turkish Airlines crew in the Lebanese capital and kidnapped the two of its members, a pilot and a co-pilot, security officials said. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

Lebanese policemen stand guard outside a hotel where the rest of the Turkish Airlines crew stay after six gunmen ambushed their vehicle on an old airport road and snatched two men of the Turkish crew, according to Lebanese officials, in Beirut, Lebanon, Friday, Aug. 9, 2013. Gunmen on Friday ambushed the van carrying the Turkish Airlines crew in the Lebanese capital and kidnapped the two of its members, a pilot and a co-pilot, security officials said. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

Lebanese policemen stand guard outside a hotel where the rest of the Turkish Airlines crew stay after six gunmen ambushed their vehicle on an old airport road and snatched two men of the Turkish crew, according to Lebanese officials, in Beirut, Lebanon, Friday, Aug. 9, 2013. Gunmen on Friday ambushed the van carrying the Turkish Airlines crew in the Lebanese capital and kidnapped the two of its members, a pilot and a co-pilot, security officials said. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

(AP) ? Gunmen ambushed a van Friday carrying a Turkish Airlines crew in the Lebanese capital, kidnapping a pilot and a co-pilot in an attack that appeared linked to the ongoing civil war in neighboring Syria.

Six gunmen stopped the vehicle on an old airport road in Beirut, abducting the two Turkish nationals and letting the rest of the crew go, officials said.

The van was travelling between Rafik Hariri International Airport and a Beirut hotel when the ambush took place, said the Lebanese officials, speaking on condition of anonymity in line with regulations.

Lebanon's state news agency said a group called the Zuwaar al-Imam Rida claimed responsibility for the kidnapping. The group, which was previously unknown, said in a statement carried by the National News Agency that the pilots "will only be released when the Lebanese hostages in Syria return."

The civil war in neighboring Syria has deeply divided the Lebanese. The Syrian rebels, who are backed by Turkey, have been holding nine Lebanese Shiites hostage since last year. There have been other kidnappings on both sides since the war began.

A representative for the Lebanese hostages' families said that there was "no relationship between the kidnapping of Turkish pilots and case of Lebanese hostages in Syria," the NNA reported. However, Sheik Abbas Zougheib of the Higher Shiite Councils said if the abduction "is to settle the question of Lebanese abducted in Syria, we support it," according to the news service.

The Turkish crew had landed a Turkish Airlines flight from Istanbul early Friday morning, the Lebanese officials told The Associated Press. Authorities were investigating and the road where the kidnapping occurred has been closed off with several police checkpoints, the officials said.

The NNA reported earlier that the driver of the van was being questioned and that eight gunmen were involved in the abduction. The difference in the number of the attackers in the report and the Lebanese officials' account could not immediately be explained.

In Turkey, Foreign Ministry spokesman Levent Gumrukcu confirmed the kidnapping. He said the rest of the crew was still in Beirut but were leaving to return to Turkey on Friday evening.

"We don't know who did this and for what purpose," Gumrukcu said. He said the Turkish government was in close contact with Lebanese officials over the abduction.

Turkey supports the Sunni Muslim rebels fighting to topple the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad, which is dominated by Alawites, an offshoot sect of Shiite Islam.

A spokesman for Turkish Airlines Ali Genc identified the two pilots as Murat Akpinar and Murat Agca. Genc did not offer any other information.

The Lebanese are deeply divided over Syria's civil war, with Shiites largely supporting the regime in Damascus and Sunnis backing the rebels. Both Sunni militants, and fighters from Lebanon's dominant Shiite Hezbollah group, have been fighting on opposite sides in the conflict.

The conflict in Syria that has claimed more than 100,000 lives since it erupted in March 2011. The fighting frequently has spilled into Lebanon.


Associated Press writers Desmond Butler in Istanbul and Ryan Lucas in Beirut contributed to this report.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/3d281c11a96b4ad082fe88aa0db04305/Article_2013-08-09-ML-Lebanon-Turks-Kidnapped/id-abee1f7f289e4a0eb98e2ec5d825407d

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Mexico releases drug lord behind 1985 DEA agent killing

MEXICO CITY | Fri Aug 9, 2013 5:05pm EDT

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - A Mexican court on Friday freed notorious drug kingpin Rafael Caro Quintero, who was convicted of ordering the killing of a U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration officer in 1985.

Caro Quintero was freed after the court decided he should have been tried at a state level, rather than federal level, a court official said, ending his 28-year stay behind bars.

"There are various factors, and among them the fact that he already served his time for drug trafficking," the court official said.

He was released from the Puente Grande prison in the western Mexican state of Jalisco on Friday morning, according to the state attorney general's office.

Caro Quintero, who is believed to be in his 60s, holds a special place in Mexican drug lore and was one of the leaders of the Guadalajara cartel, a forerunner of the Sinaloa cartel which is currently led by Joaquin "Shorty" Guzman, the country's most-wanted drug lord.

Caro Quintero was convicted of ordering the 1985 kidnapping, torture and murder of Enrique Camarena, an undercover DEA agent behind a number of successful drug busts.

At the time, the United States expressed anger at a perceived lackluster effort to catch Camarena's killer and the episode marked a low point in Mexico-U.S. relations. Caro Quintero was caught in Costa Rica in 1985.

According to a source from the Mexican attorney general's office, Caro Quintero cannot be extradited to the United States because a decision by Mexico's Supreme Court bars extradition of Mexicans to countries that may impose the death penalty or life imprisonment - punishments excluded by Mexican law.

A spokeswoman for the U.S. Department of Justice declined to comment on whether the United States would seek his extradition.

More than 70,000 people have been killed in drug-related killings in Mexico since 2007 when the government launched a militarized attack on the warring cartels.

President Enrique Pena Nieto, who took office in December, has shifted the focus away from going after cartel bosses to tackling violent crimes such as extortion and kidnapping.

(Additional reporting by Tim Gaynor in Phoenix; Writing by Gabriel Stargardter; Editing by Simon Gardner and Mohammad Zargham)

Source: http://feeds.reuters.com/~r/Reuters/worldNews/~3/DinZuB9FYxQ/story01.htm

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Friday, August 9, 2013

Syrian troops kill more than 60 in desert ambush

In this image taken from video obtained from the Shaam News Network, which has been authenticated based on its contents and other AP reporting, a Syrian man carries an injured child away from a missile strike in Raqqa, Syria, Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2013. Wednesday?s missile attack came after Human Rights Watch said missiles fired by the Syrian army into populated areas have killed hundreds of civilians in recent months. (AP Photo/Shaam News Network via AP video)

In this image taken from video obtained from the Shaam News Network, which has been authenticated based on its contents and other AP reporting, a Syrian man carries an injured child away from a missile strike in Raqqa, Syria, Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2013. Wednesday?s missile attack came after Human Rights Watch said missiles fired by the Syrian army into populated areas have killed hundreds of civilians in recent months. (AP Photo/Shaam News Network via AP video)

In this image taken from video obtained from the Shaam News Network, which has been authenticated based on its contents and other AP reporting, a Syrian youths run away from the scene of a missile strike in Raqqa, Syria, Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2013. Wednesday?s missile attack came after Human Rights Watch said missiles fired by the Syrian army into populated areas have killed hundreds of civilians in recent months. The Arabic writing in logo says, "Raqqa." (AP Photo/Shaam News Network via AP video)

In this image taken from video obtained from the Shaam News Network, which has been authenticated based on its contents and other AP reporting, a Syrian man comforts a child injured by a missile strike in Raqqa, Syria, Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2013. Wednesday?s missile attack came after Human Rights Watch said missiles fired by the Syrian army into populated areas have killed hundreds of civilians in recent months. (AP Photo/Shaam News Network via AP video)

In this image taken from video obtained from the Shaam News Network, which has been authenticated based on its contents and other AP reporting, a Syrian man carries an injured child away from a missile strike in Raqqa, Syria, Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2013. Wednesday?s missile attack came after Human Rights Watch said missiles fired by the Syrian army into populated areas have killed hundreds of civilians in recent months. The Arabic writing in logo says, "Raqqa." (AP Photo/Shaam News Network via AP video)

In this photo released by the Syrian official news agency SANA, dead bodies of Syrian rebels are seen on the ground, killed during ambush by Syrian forces near the Damascus suburb of Adra, Syria, Wednesday Aug. 7, 2013. Syrian government forces killed more than 60 rebels Wednesday in an ambush near Damascus, a blow to opposition fighters confronting a regime offensive in the capital, activists said. (AP Photo/SANA)

BEIRUT (AP) ? Syrian troops ambushed a large group of rebels Wednesday trudging through what once was a secret route through a desert road northeast of Damascus, killing more than 60 fighters in a barrage of machine gun fire and leaving their bodies in the sand.

State television claimed those killed came from an al-Qaida-linked group that has joined the battle against President Bashar Assad, whose troops are trying to drive opposition forces from areas surrounding his seat of power in the capital.

There were conflicting reports on the attack in Adra, which lies on a supply route between Damascus and rebel-held areas to the east that is often the scene of heavy clashes between the two sides. The dawn attack dealt another heavy blow to opposition troops following a string of recent regime successes.

Syrian troops have been on the offensive in the past few months in an attempt to clear out Damascus suburbs held by opposition fighters.

Syrian state-run media showed footage of bloodied corpses lying on the ground, some wearing camouflage gear with their weapons scattered around in the sand. One picture showed gas masks next to the weapons.

The state-run SANA news agency said "dozens" of rebels were killed in the ambush as they were on their way to attack an army post near Damascus. SANA identified the dead as members of the al-Qaida-linked Jabhat al-Nusra, and said some were foreign fighters.

Broadcaster Al-Ikhbariya also showed a Tunisian passport, Islamic headbands and automatic rifles apparently carried by the rebels.

Some activists disputed the account, saying those killed were Syrian fighters from a mix of brigades delivering aid to besieged areas.

Mohammed Saeed, an activist based near Damascus, told The Associated Press that 65 rebels were on their way from Damascus' eastern suburbs to Qalamoun nearby. Saeed said rebels walked the 30-kilometer (19-mile) route because it is dangerous to drive in the area as it is watched by Assad's forces.

"It seems that the regime discovered the secret road that the rebels were using," Saeed said via Skype. "The regime forces riddled them with heavy machine gun fire."

He said 62 died and three escaped to Qalamoun.

Another activist said the rebels were on their way to deliver medicine, flour and other foodstuffs to the Eastern Ghouta region, which has been besieged for months. He said the rebels were a "mix of fighters," including some from Nusra Front. He spoke on condition of anonymity out of fears of retribution.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said at least 62 rebels died in Wednesday's ambush. It did not report any government casualties.

In the north, a missile struck the rebel-held city of Raqqa, killing three people and wounding dozens including children, the Local Coordination Committees activist group said. The Observatory said that two children were among the three killed.

Amateur videos showed at least three children who suffered wounds and were rushed away in a pickup truck.

A boy, with minor wounds to his mouth, knees and feet, screamed as he was held by a man in the pickup truck and shouted "Dad!" The man holding him tried to calm him down, saying: "Dad will come soon."

The videos appeared genuine and corresponded to other AP reporting on the events depicted.

Wednesday's missile attack came after Human Rights Watch said missiles fired by the Syrian army into populated areas have killed hundreds of civilians in recent months.

Meanwhile, the Observatory said that Kurdish gunmen captured about 70 government troops Wednesday who fled the air base of Mannagh in the northern province of Aleppo. The base was captured by rebels Tuesday after months of fighting.

The Observatory also reported fighting and shelling in the mountains of the coastal province of Latakia, an Assad stronghold. Rebels captured 11 Alawite villages in an offensive earlier this week and troops launched a counterattack to retake it.

Syria's conflict has taken on an increasingly sectarian tone in the last year, pitting predominantly Sunni Muslim rebels against members of Assad's Alawite sect, an offshoot of Shiite Islam.

Syria's crisis started as a largely peaceful uprising against Assad's rule in March 2011. It turned into a civil war after opposition supporters took up arms to fight a brutal government crackdown. More than 100,000 people have been killed in the violence.

The scale of that destruction could be seen in satellite images released Wednesday by Amnesty International. The images showed hundreds of damaged or destroyed houses and more than 1,000 roadblocks around the northern city of Aleppo, which has seen months of vicious fighting.

"Satellite images really speak for themselves," said Donetella Rovera, a senior Amnesty adviser who recently returned from a trip to Aleppo. "You can see really clearly buildings ? groups of buildings ? that were there a year ago that are no longer there today."

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/cae69a7523db45408eeb2b3a98c0c9c5/Article_2013-08-07-Syria/id-a883cbad53c14231858b3308f4bef3eb

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Thursday, August 8, 2013

Mozilla's Firefox Phones Get Operator Billing Through Bango

firefox-mobileMozilla has signed mobile payments company Bango to allow operator billing on the Firefox OS marketplace. That means that users on the soon-to-be-released Firefox phones will be able to pay for their apps via their phone bills. This confirms a scoop that we had in February, where we first announced the Mozilla and Bango marriage. Carrier billing is still not a common feature in smartphone app stores, where billing is typically charged to user credit cards, as it is with Google Play and the iOS App Store. But it’s especially significant in emerging markets, where credit card penetration is far from ubiquitous, and the prepaid segment remains sizable. And as Mozilla positions its upcoming?mid-range devices?towards markets such as Latin America and Asia, the ability to provide carrier billing will help address the many unbanked users which don’t have credit cards. Bango isn’t a stranger to large telecoms deals. The Cambridge-based firm signed a deal with mobile carrier Telefonica in January?to power carrier billing for Telefonica’s services, covering the latter’s 314 million subscriber base. The anticipated Firefox OS is Mozilla’s smartphone operating system based entirely on open Web standards such as HTML5. Mozilla is positioning it as an alternative for powering low-cost and mid-range devices, in particular by offering carriers more control over the inner workings of the phone, compared with Android, for example. Bango raised $10.2 million in February 2013 to continue growing its customer base. It already provides carrier billing options to large clients such as Facebook, Amazon, BlackBerry and Opera, to name some, and says it has a reach of about a billion users.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/qYTxJiFiHu8/

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Availability ?In Stock
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Technical Specifications

System Type Notebook
Mechanical Design Convertible design
Recommended Use Small business, corporate business
Operating System Microsoft Windows 7 Professional 64-bit Edition / Windows 8 Pro downgrade
Preinstalled OS Windows 7
Processor / Chipset
CPU Intel Core i7 (3rd Gen) 3687U / 2.1 GHz
Max Turbo Speed 3.3 GHz
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Cache L3 - 4 MB
64-bit Computing Yes
Chipset Mobile Intel QM77 Express
Platform Technology Intel vPro Technology
Features Intel Turbo Boost Technology 2.0
Max RAM Supported 12 GB
Technology DDR3L SDRAM
Speed 1600 MHz / PC3-12800
Form Factor SO DIMM 204-pin
Slots Qty 1
Hard Drive 256 GB SSD
Interface Serial ATA-600
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LCD Backlight Technology LED backlight
Resolution 1366 x 768 ( HD )
Widescreen Yes
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Audio & Video
Graphics Processor Intel HD Graphics 4000
Camera Integrated webcam
Capture Resolutions 1280 x 720
Sound Stereo speakers , stereo microphone
Compliant Standards High Definition Audio, DTS Studio Sound
Type Touch-screen, backlit keyboard, ClickPad
Features Volume control, spill-resistant
Wireless Bluetooth, 802.11n, NFC
Network Interface Gigabit Ethernet
Ethernet Controller Intel 82579LM
Compliant Standards IEEE 802.3, IEEE 802.3u, IEEE 802.3i, IEEE 802.1Q, IEEE 802.3ab, IEEE 802.1p, IEEE 802.3x, IEEE 802.1x, IEEE 802.3ae, Wi-Fi CERTIFIED, IEEE 802.3az
Technology 6-cell lithium polymer
Capacity 44 Wh
Run Time Up to 8.5 hours
AC Adapter
Input AC 120/230 V ( 50/60 Hz )
Output 45 Watt , 19.5 V
Connections & Expansion
Interfaces DisplayPort ? Headphone/microphone combo jack ? Dock ? LAN ? 2 x USB 3.0
Memory Card Reader Yes ( microSD, microSDHC, microSDXC )
Software Included Adobe Flash Player, Skype, Microsoft Security Essentials, HP Face Recognition, EverNote, HP SoftPaq Download Manager (free download), HP ePrint, PDF Complete Corporate Edition, CyberLink Media Suite, DigitalPass, Privacy Manager, HP Client Security, HP Page Lift, Device Access Manager with Just In Time Authentication, HP Systems Software Manager (free download)
Case Material Magnesium alloy
Security Trusted Platform Module (TPM 1.2) Security Chip
Features Security lock slot (cable lock sold separately), DriveLock, digital compass, Intel Active Management Technology (iAMT), HP DuraFinish, HP SpareKey, One-Step Logon, Accelerometer, HP DuraCase, HP BIOS Protection, gyroscope, Automatic DriveLock
Compliant Standards ACPI, CSA, UL, VCCI, BSMI, GOST, SABS, CCC, FCC, WEEE, A-Tick, ICES, Common Criteria EAL4+, KC
Localization English / United States
Dimensions & Weight
Width 11.2 in
Depth 8.3 in
Height 0.9 in
Weight 3.1 lbs
Manufacturer Warranty
Service & Support 3 years warranty
Service & Support Details Limited warranty - 3 years
Environmental Parameters
Min Operating Temperature 32 ?F
Max Operating Temperature 95 ?F
Humidity Range Operating 10 - 90% (non-condensing)
Shock Tolerance 40 g @ 2ms half-sine pulse (operating) / 200 g @ 2ms half-sine pulse (non-operating)
Vibration Tolerance 0.75 g @ RMS (random) (operating) / 1.5 g @ RMS (random) (non-operating)

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Source: http://www.pcm.com/p/HP-Notebook-Computers/product~dpno~9746937~pdp.idgcgah

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Sunday, August 4, 2013

Cord Buddy is your cable?s and cord?s new BFF

Do you use your smartphone or tablet as an alarm clock on your nightstand? Or maybe you have a charging cable for your laptop on the end table next to your couch. If you answered yes to either question, I bet you’ll also answer yes to the next question. Do you usually find the cable […]

Source: http://the-gadgeteer.com/2013/08/04/cord-buddy-is-your-cables-and-cords-new-bff/

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Spain studies measures to pressure Gibraltar

By Dominique Searle

MADRID/GIBRALTAR (Reuters) - Spain is studying retaliatory measures against the British territory of Gibraltar in an escalating dispute over fishing grounds, Spanish Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Garcia-Margallo said in an interview published on Sunday.

"The party is over," Garcia-Margallo told ABC newspaper, referring to years of softer policy on Gibraltar under the previous Socialist government.

The minister said Spain was mulling a 50-euro border-crossing fee and tax investigations of thousands of Gibraltarians who own property in Spain. A border fee would affect tourists and Gibraltarians who cross the border for work.

Spain was also considering closing airspace to planes heading for the airport in Gibraltar and changing rules to wring taxes from on-line gaming companies based in Gibraltar, he said.

Spain disputes Britain's three centuries of sovereignty over Gibraltar, a territory on the southern tip of Spain that is home to close to 30,000 people with an economy dominated by off-shore banking, Internet gambling operations and tourism.

Gibraltar Chief Minister Fabian Picardo issued a statement attacking Garcia-Margallo's reported comments. The British Foreign Office said it would seek explanations from Spain regarding the measures it might impose.

"The statements ... are the most backward-looking and threatening since before the frontier closed and are clearly reminiscent of the politics and tactics on Gibraltar deployed by the fascist regime led by Franco in the '50s and '60s," Picardo said in a statement. He called the Spanish foreign minister's words "belligerent rantings."

The 1.2-km frontier between Spain and Gibraltar was closed for most of the 1970s and the first part of the 1980s due to the dispute over the status of the territory.

Under the previous Socialist government Spain softened its stance, discussing other issues without bringing up sovereignty while agreeing to give Gibraltar a voice in any talks with Britain over its status.

But the center-right government of Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has taken a harder line regarding its claim on the territory.

The latest tensions between Spain and the British territory began 10 days ago after Gibraltar boats began dumping blocks of concrete into the sea near the territory. Gibraltar said it was creating an artificial reef that would foster fish populations.

Spain said the reef would block its fishing boats and ramped up border checks, creating long lines at the border between Spain and the territory.

Picardo called for proportionate customs and immigration controls at the frontier, saying they had been excessive in recent days.

On Friday, the British Foreign Office summoned Spain's ambassador for consultations. Britain said the delays, from July 26 to 28 and again on July 30, were unjustified.

Gibraltar has complained to the European Commission over what it says are unreasonable controls at the border, saying they violate European Union rules on free circulation.

(Additional reporting by Fiona Ortiz in Madrid; Editing by Janet Lawrence and Sonya Hepinstall)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/spain-studies-measures-pressure-gibraltar-210107272.html

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Canadian Olympians to march in Vancouver gay pride parade as Sochi outrage grows

Canadian Olympians will march in the Vancouver Pride Parade this weekend in a display of solidarity with the gay community that would land them in jail or kicked out of next year?s Sochi Olympics.

Alpine skier Mike Janyk and snowboarder Mercedes Nicoll, both members of Canada?s 2006 and 2010 Olympic teams, will join thousands of marchers in the 2010 Olympic city, adding their voices to the growing outrage over Russia?s anti-gay laws.

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Foreign competitors and spectators at the 2014 Sochi Olympics will have to abide by a new Russian law banning ?gay propaganda.?

Russian sports minister Vitaly Mutko said on Thursday any athletes or visitors to the Winter Olympics found breaking the law would ?be held accountable?.

Foreigners can be deported from Russia, in addition to being fined up to 100,000 roubles ($3,000) or held for up to 15 days.

?Seeing what?s going on in Russia it does feel really cool to at least stand up and hopefully have a few people take notice of that,? Janyk told Reuters. ?The opportunity came up to go in the Pride parade as an Olympian and I thought, oh that?s a great idea and then all this other stuff came up and it is even more important now.?

Even before the Russian controversy the Canadian Olympic Committee (COC) had taken steps to raise its profile among the gay/lesbian community by taking part in a number of Pride events across the country.

Canada, winner of a Winter Games record 14 gold medals at the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver, is expected to send one of its biggest-ever contingents to Sochi with the COC expressing its disappointment in the Russian anti-gay position.

?Playing sports is a human right and should be available to all regardless of race, gender or sexual orientation,? COC spokesman Dimitri Soudas told Reuters in an e-mail. ?Since London 2012, the COC has been involved in more than 100 events, with approximately 800 Olympians.

?This year, for the first time ever, we added Pride festivals to our long list of community involvement.

?Our aim is to showcase athletes in ways highlighting Canada?s values and pride. We believe in the power of sport uniting individuals of all races, genders and sexual orientation.

?We oppose discrimination of any kind.?

The United States Olympic Committee (USOC) is also paying close attention to the controversy.

While the USOC has downplayed any suggestions of a possible boycott over the issue, it is making moves to ensure the safety of athletes and Americans travelling to the Black Sea resort for the Games.

In a letter sent to athletes and seen by Reuters, the USOC emphasized that it is closely monitoring the situation. admitting it did not know to what extent Russian officials will enforce laws that have a number of anti-gay components.

?The purpose of this letter is to let you know that we are aware of these laws and are engaged in active discussions with the International Olympic Committee and the U.S. State Department about how we can ensure that every American in Sochi and especially our athletes, are safe and secure at the Olympic and Paralympic Games,? said USOC chief executive officer Scott Blackmun. ?Every time we field a team, the safety and security of our athletes is a primary concern.?

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Source: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/sports/more-sports/olympians-to-march-in-vancouver-gay-pride-parade-as-sochi-outrage-grows/article13585451/?cmpid=rss1

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Saturday, August 3, 2013

Microsoft patents augmented reality Kinect Glasses

microsoft-kinect-glassesRedmond-based software giant Microsoft is working on a new multiplayer gaming device called Kinect Glasses to make gaming more immersive, a newly discovered patent suggested.

The patent suggested that Microsoft's augmented reality Kinect Glasses will reportedly come equipped with OLED display, gyroscopes, microphones, eye scanning technology, and accelerometers.

The new device would be capable of determining the view and position of the users as well as recognizing his/her voice and gestures.

The patent for Microsoft's reported augmented reality glasses states, "A system and related methods for inviting a potential player to participate in a multiplayer game via a user head-mounted display device."

The patent for Microsoft's augmented reality glasses has triggered speculations that the glasses in question are the "Fortaleza Glasses" that were outlined in the last year's 56-page leaked manual for Xbox One.

The roadmap as suggested by that leaked document suggested that the augmented reality glasses would hit store shelves by 2015.

Source: http://topnews.com.sg/content/27694-microsoft-patents-augmented-reality-kinect-glasses

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Friday, August 2, 2013

The GOP's kamikaze mission to stop Obamacare

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Source: www.washingtonpost.com --- Friday, August 02, 2013
The campaign against Obamacare began as a campaign for self-interest. Obamacare, conservatives promised, would raise your taxes, take away your doctor and possibly put you in front of a death panel. The fight to keep it from passing was a fight to keep bad things from happening. Read full article >> ? ? ? ? ...

Source: http://feeds.washingtonpost.com/c/34656/f/636543/s/2f7d360c/sc/4/l/0L0Swashingtonpost0N0Cblogs0Cezra0Eklein0Cpost0Cthe0Egops0Ekamikaze0Emission0Eto0Estop0Eobamacare0C20A130C0A80C0A20C61cd61a0A0Efba30E11e20E89f70E8599e3f77a670Iblog0Bhtml0Dwprss0Frss0I

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Synack Nabs $1.5M From Greylock, Kleiner Perkins To Crowdsource Vulnerability And Security Testing

SynackSynack, a startup that is attempting to safely crowdsource vulnerability testing for companies, has raised $1.5 million in seed funding from Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, Greylock Partners, Wing Venture Partners, Allegis Capital, and Derek Smith, CEO of Shape Security.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/64tFXMtrFFQ/

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Call The Window Cleaners In LA For A Free Quote On The Services ...

Call The Window Cleaners In LA For A Free Quote On The Services

1 views This article is copyright free and is published in Tools and Equipment ? Home Improvement Joined: Jun 05, 2012

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Many high story buildings and large commercial complexes are made up of large windows and glass work. But at times people are worried about its cleaning, maintenance and regular shine it should be having. For this, hiring professionals is the best as they can work on the cleaning of the windows without causing any damages to it. Window cleaners in LA offer quality services to its customers and that too at affordable rates. They can simply be called for services by giving a ring at their number.

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Get in touch with the officials

If your requirement is large or there are other details you are willing to discuss with the associates of the company, you can directly visit their office or call the team at your place. Whatever is the requirement of the customer, the knowledgeable technicians of the company can give a price quote on the services the customer is willing to get the work done for. And this service is totally free of cost for the people. Give a call to the window cleaners LA right away and book services for glass and window washing and cleaning.

About author: William Klein

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Thursday, August 1, 2013

Church Raises Wild Alarm Over Threats To Boko Haram

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Source: www.thenigerianvoice.com --- Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Officials of the Distrct Church Council DCC of Ekilisiyar Yan Uwa A Nigeria EYN in Barawa of Borno State have raised an alarm over threats from the dreaded Boko Haram sect.The Church said a threst letter had been issued to its pastor, Mr. Yakubu Toeye on 8th July, 2013 and therefore wrote a ... ...

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheNigerianVoiceNews/~3/aRU7EnOnK3w/church-raises-wild-alarm-over-threats-to-boko-hara.html

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BSkyB grants Microsoft temporary use of SkyDrive name in trademark dispute, allows it time to rebrand cloud service

BSkyB and Microsoft reach agreement over SkyDrive name dispute

BSkyB may have won the trademark case against Microsoft's SkyDrive cloud service, but there won't be any renaming going on just yet. Today, the British satellite TV provider has announced that it's reached an agreement with Redmond, allowing the software giant to temporarily continue using the name SkyDrive while it handles the transition to a new brand. The arrangement, which includes an undisclosed financial settlement, also means Microsoft won't appeal against the ruling. For now though, you'll just have to find your own way to tell the services apart, until Microsoft figures out what to call its cloud offering going forward.

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Source: http://www.engadget.com/2013/07/31/bskyb-and-microsoft-reach-agreement/?utm_medium=feed&utm_source=Feed_Classic&utm_campaign=Engadget

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